Task and Finish Group on Participation in the Arts in Wales

Inquiry into Participation in the Arts in Wales


Response from Participant


1. What kind of arts activities do you currently participate in (for example, drama, music, arts, writing, crafts, filmmaking, dancing)?

Theatre, drama, digital storytelling


2. Why do you participate in arts activities?

To meet people. To enhance people's enjoyment of theatre, to encourage more people to enjoy theatre, to diversify theatre participation in Wales.


3. Has arts provision been withdrawn in your area because of budget cuts?

Not totally withdrawn.


4. If so, how has this affected you?

No Response


5. Do you think that people have enough opportunity to participate in arts activities in your area?

I live in Cardiff, so there are many opportunities to participate but I don't think these are "known" to be widely available by people who, unlike me, don't work in the theatre sector. There is a perception that arts activities are for an existing, established "Chapter" group of people and if you don't fit in here, you can't engage. Also, for most people, the cost of attending theatre events in Cardiff is prohibitive.


6. Would anything help you to participate more in the arts?

More, affordable opportunities to participate in workshops / training. Cheaper theatre tickets. The cost rise in ticket price, notably at Sherman Cymru since the reopening of the building, has meant that there are at least 3 productions I have missed seeing there, because I can't afford to pay the increased ticket prices.


7. What might stop you from taking part in arts activities (for example, accessibility)?

Cost - Charging £25 a theatre ticket is obscene as this is the cost of my grocery bill per week.